Welcome to our company Brown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.C!
Brown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.CBrown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.CBrown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.C
(Saturday - Thursday)
AL RAS, Dubai, UAE. PO Box 1249
Brown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.CBrown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.CBrown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.C

JALGHOZA (Pine Nuts)

Dry Fruits

JALGHOZA (Pine Nuts)

They are enrich with Zinc, iron, magnesium and Vitamin A.
Pine nuts are rich source of dietary fiber that protects the heart.
It helps to decrease anxiety , stress & depression.
They are a rich source of magnesium & Zinc.
Useful for diabetes patients too.
  • Dry Fruit
  • Wholesale & Retail