Welcome to our company Brown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.C!
Brown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.CBrown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.CBrown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.C
(Saturday - Thursday)
AL RAS, Dubai, UAE. PO Box 1249
Brown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.CBrown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.CBrown Eagle Foodstuff Trading L.L.C


Whole Grains


Bone Health: Brown rice helps in maintaining the health of our bones.
Cardiovascular Health: Brown rice helps in preventing the blockage of arteries.
Digestive Health: With the high fiber content, it regulates the bowel function and prevents the absorption of acid and thus, making the process of digestion easy.
Weight Management: It includes manganese and phosphorus, which help to synthesize your body fats and control obesity.
Boosts Energy: Brown rice contains magnesium that helps in boosting our energy.
  • Whole Grains
  • Wholesale & Retail